Ice Free Conveyor

Trackway is the Exclusive Distributor of Ice Free Conveyor, as well as other premium Midwest Products for ALL of Canada.

Ice Free Conveyor is Midwest’s original product developed for coal handlers to eliminate conveyor problems caused by snow, moisture, freezing and sub-zero temperatures. It prevents belt icing and removes ice glaze. It also prevents and removes build-up on idlers and pulleys to -70°F (-57°C); whereas other materials stop or begin to lose effectiveness between 0°F (-18°C) and -10°F (-23°C).

Ice Free Conveyor Winter Operating Agent:

  • It is the only product formulated with ingredients that, when sprayed lightly, will produce belt cover friction – so belts will carry coal even when extremely hard.
  • Formulated to outlast all other materials because of its powerful active ingredients.
  • When used as an anti-icer, it outperforms other types of anti-icers within their temperature range using less material.
  • It is the only product formulated to prevent or minimize fines carry-back and build-up on belts, idlers and pulleys that are major causes of winter system problems.
  • Sprayed at a rate of one gallon per minute for one complete revolution results in less oversprays and less puddles.

For more detailed information, please see the links below or give us a call today!

Ice Free Conveyor Brochure
Ice Free Conveyor SDS
Ice Free Conveyor TDS & FAQ
Make Midwest Industrial Supply
Info Local: 780-973-0023 | Toll Free: 1-844-851-3622 |
Description Ice Free Conveyor is a multi-component glycol based liquid belt anti-icing and deicing agent.
Price 5 GA Pail: $103.00 | 275 GA Tote: $5,642.00
TRACKWAY | 55024 Range Road 234, Sturgeon County, Alberta T8T 2A7  | Local: 780-973-0023  | Toll Free: 1-844-851-3622  | Toll Free Fax: 1-844-319-2816  |